Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Crossing the Line

I start this blog with a simple goal, to use it as a thinking audiovisual note pad. The idea is that I will capture real moments on camera and post them here as a platform for thought. This will not be a promotional blog for my work but a safe house for all things free and real.
I start this blog with a video shot over a year ago now. It has recurrently come back to my head in the last week and has given me the braveness to throw myself into this adventure.
All comments are welcomed.

Crossing the Line from DANIEL ELIAS DE LA TORRE on Vimeo.


Javitxu said...

Hola príncipe!!!

Soy el primeeeeeeee.
Me ha gustado mucho el mar, me parece muy... movido, y muy.... negro... y la espuma es muy... blanca. ¡Qué policromado todo!
Te seguiré en el videoblog éste. Pero yo he escrito un libro, ¿eh? A ver si te vas a creer tú más que yo... pues no.
Te mando un besico húmedo (como tu mar) desde la antigua Valentia.

Organización Reversible de Géneros Intermedios y Artísticos said...

Hola Dani!

Qué chulo el vídeo y qué bien que te hayas hecho un video-blog. Casualmente, estoy convirtiendo los vídeos de O.R.G.I.A para colgarlos en un blog que nos estamos haciendo.

Dos preguntas técnicas: ¿en qué formato lo exportas? y ¿dónde los cuelgas? no lo haces en youtube, verdad?
Un beso enorme. Ya me he puesto tu blog en favoritos para seguir tu proceso creativo.
"la Carmen de Beniel"

danielias said...

Here is a comment from Dani G. Cabrero that hasn't got an account. Remember you can always send me your comments to my email and I'll do my best to post them. Thanks.

I like the sound of the waves just hitting onto the
cemented coast. It gives a great sense of calm and
tranquility, whilst the visuals are also quite peaceful in
the way you've out us against that dividing line between
land and sea, great stuff!

It's only the noise of the plane flying through the
skies that gives us a sense of reality and actual
surroundings that otherwise was lost until that point.

Nice beginning for this and hopefully we'll see some of
your writings up there!!

Daniel G. Cabrero.

Anonymous said...

I love them. Your very talented.